Sponge Quartz, Moonstone, Sandalwood guru bead
Sponge Quartz is believed to be a calming stone, aiding understanding of one's spiritual nature that can restore hope, happiness, and peace. It is helpful for upper body organs , helping to stimulate the thyroid and thymus glands. Sponge quartz brings clarity of thought and improved concentration.
Moonstone is a stone of "new beginnings". The energy is balancing, introspective and reflective. It is a stone for feeling via intuition. Assists with the changing structures of one's life on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Provides spiritual nourishment.
Sandalwood is grounding, stimulates the pituitary and pineal gland, alleviates mental confusion with its calming effect. Third Eye Chakra: Sandalwood helps focus the third eye for spiritual meditation, spiritual sight and spiritual focus